Rotary Club of New Kalyan - Rotary India

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Kailas Vidyadhar Deshpande
Club President
Rtn. Kailas Deshpande BE (Electrical and Electronics) Working as Vice President in IT company (having around 20+ years’ professional experience) Rotarian since 2019 Passionate Minimalistic Lifestyle follower. Since last 6 years, working towards reducing waste by adopting different lifestyle. At the same time, encourage others for the same by explaining the 5R policy. Conducted awareness sessions on Waste Segregation along with 35-40 waste collection camps in and around Kalyan, Dombivli & Mumbai Suburbs. This collected waste would then be sent to recycle scientifically. Felicitated by Maharashtra Governor Shri. Bhagatsing Koshiyari ji & then KDMC Joint Commissioner Shri. Ramdas Kokre for dedication and work towards Waste Management. Native American proverb which perfectly summarises my passion for Environmental Conservation Aspect: "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children".